Unlock Global Retail Success


Seamlessly Bring Your Online Store to a Global Audience.

Utilize our platform to establish a continuously accessible marketplace, drawing visitors from across the globe and facilitating secure payments 24/7. Seamlessly integrate our online payment API with your e-commerce platforms and mobile commerce apps. Partner with us to directly reach a wider customer base and unleash the complete potential of your online retail venture.

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Chinese Online Payment volume


Alipay & Wechat Pay share of the online market.


Increase in sales after offering Alipay, WeChat Pay& UnionPay

Integrating our E-commerce payment API to accept digital wallets expands your customer reach, improves conversion rates, and reduces cart abandonment. With streamlined checkout processes, enhanced security, and adaptability to mobile commerce trends, this integration provides a competitive edge while future-proofing your business.

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Global Customer Base
Unlimited Transactions

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